
North Domingo Baca/Sonora

The median home price of North Domingo Baca/ Sonora is $451,877, which makes it more expensive than 89% of neighborhoods across New Mexico and 70% of the U.S neighborhoods.

North Domingo Baca / Sonora is a higher-cost neighborhood to rent in New Mexico. The average rental price of $1,999 will make your wallet thinner than 92% of other areas around here.

The North Domingo Baca / Sonora real estate market, is a great place to find homes that suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for an affordable single-family residence or a larger property, there are options available in this area! Most of the residential properties on display here have four bedrooms and more than two bathrooms. Most of the houses are owner-occupied.

The North Domingo Baca/Sonora neighborhood is home to a mix of newer and older houses. While many in this area were built between 1970 and 1999, there are also recent constructions that date back to 2000 or more recently.

The North Domingo Baca / Sonora area, located in Albuquerque, has a lower rate of vacancies than 87% percent of all neighborhoods in the U.S., meaning that there is very little supply versus demand for property here.

North Domingo Baca/ Sonora is a family-friendly neighborhood in New Mexico. In fact, this area has more public schools and lower crime rates than 96% of all other neighborhoods throughout the state! Additionally, it features single-family homes that are occupied by their owners – giving them an authentic “Leave It To Beaver” vibe similar to what you would see on TV.

Thriving in the North Domingo Baca / Sonora neighborhood population is diverse, with many other families living here. The high number of college-educated parents influences academic success in local schools; you will find all amenities your family needs to thrive.

The highly educated population and urban sophistication in this area make it an excellent choice for families with school-aged children. The North Domingo Baca / Sonora neighborhood is more than just an average place. It has some of the most educated residents in this country, with 34% having earned at least one degree.

Highly educated people are more likely to live in neighborhoods with other graduates. This is due, at least partly, because they want or need to access the same amenities as those around them – like good schools and jobs nearby. Highly-educated individuals often have higher standards when it comes time to choose an area that will accommodate their needs; specifically, ones related, the North Domingo Baca / Sonora neighborhood has it all.

Vineyard Estates
NestBeyond of Northeast Albuquerque