
NestBeyond Senior Living Facilities

North Albuquerque Acres

North Albuquerque Acres neighborhood has a real estate price of $918.444 per square foot, making it more expensive than 98% percent of communities in New Mexico and 92% of all of America. The average rental price in North Albuquerque Acres is currently $3,292. That’s higher than 99% of neighborhoods across New Mexico.

The North Albuquerque Acres real estate market is made up primarily of medium-sized three or four-bedroom to large single-family homes. Most residential properties in this area are owner-occupied.

North Albuquerque Acres is a great place to live if you’re looking for homes that are established but not old. There’s plenty of variety when it comes down to what year your house was built in, with residents having chosen from 1970-1999 or 2000 – to the present day.

The current vacancy rate in North Albuquerque Acres is 2.2%, which means that there are very few homes for sale and even more people looking to live here than what the area can offer them with its tight housing supply compared to demand.

The North Albuquerque Acres neighborhood is one of the most wealthy areas in America. Residents here have a unique situation, even when compared to other Americans, due to the sheer amount of wealth concentrated within this area. The residents of North Albuquerque Acres are an accomplished bunch. Not only did they suffer less during times when others around them were struggling financially, but this particular area also had one of the lowest child poverty rates in America.

North Albuquerque Acres is a family-friendly neighborhood in New Mexico that has it all: top public schools, low crime rates, and owner-occupied single-family homes. If you’re looking to live the “Leave It To Beaver” lifestyle. This area has a strong sense of community, with many families living here. It’s easy for you to socialize and develop your own network.

The North Albuquerque Acres neighborhood is a perfect place for families who want to thrive. You will find all of the amenities that you need, from excellent schools and great shopping areas with plenty of things on offer at any time. Highly educated executives, urban sophisticates, and college students will find that this neighborhood offers them the perfect setting to raise a family in an upscale environment.

The North Albuquerque Acres neighborhood has 37.1% who have earned a Masters’s degree, medical degree, or law Ph.D. – which is much higher than average for any other location nationwide.

Glenwood Hills
NestBeyond of Northeast Albuquerque