

Clayton is a quiet, urban neighborhood in Denver, CO area. It has one of the highest median income levels and populations per square mile out of all neighborhoods within its proximity radius.

The median real estate price in the Clayton neighborhood is $558,843, which makes it more expensive than 60.3% of neighborhoods across Colorado and 79.6 percent nationwide.

Renting a home in the Clayton neighborhood is currently more affordable than 75.9% of Colorado neighborhoods, with an average rental price of $1,680 per month.

The Clayton neighborhood is known for its small yet cozy homes. You will find mostly one- or two-bedroom apartments in this part of town with some family-sized houses thrown into the mix.

The Clayton neighborhood has a range of ages and styles, with most homes being occupied by owners or renters. Many properties in this area were built between 1940-1969; there’s even some vintage property left over.

The real estate market in Clayton is very competitive, with 5.3% vacancies and an above-average demand for housing that might signal either price increases or new construction to meet the needs of prospective buyers looking into this community as well.

The real estate market in the Clayton community is very competitive, and prices are higher than average for neighborhoods with a similar level of demand. This may be an indication that either new construction or increased housing supply could help to relieve some pressure on sellers’ sides, though it’s difficult to predict what the future will bring at this time.

The Clayton neighborhood in Denver is a lower-middle-income area, meaning that the residents here make less than 60% of what people living elsewhere in our beautiful nation do. 34% of children live below the federal poverty line, which means they have higher rates of childhood hardship than 84% of other American neighborhoods.

The Clayton community is home to many people who work in high-paying fields such as executive and management positions. 42.5 percent of the working population here are employed within these types of jobs, while 29%.9% earn their living by selling products from fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s – showing just how much this area depends on retail sales for livelihood.

The people who live in the Clayton neighborhood speak mostly English. The language is spoken by 59% of households, but there are also Spanish speakers at 39%.

Additionally, the people living in the Clayton neighborhood are more likely to be a short commute than most other Americans. 46% of them spend 15-30 minutes one way, which is shorter than average times across America.

Five Points East
NestBeyond of Denver – City Park