
Sunset Hill / Westwood

If you are looking for a quiet, safe neighborhood with plenty of green spaces and easy access to downtown Kansas City just over the bridge, then Sunset Hill / Westwood might be right up your alley. This suburban area has an average population density that makes it very family-friendly yet still close enough when necessity calls.

The population density of Sunset Hill / Westwood is much higher than most other neighborhoods in Kansas City. This means that groceries, clothing stores, and other amenities are within reach for people living here without having to drive quite as far away from home when they need something new or want an outfit change.

The beautiful sunset in the Sunset Hill / Westwood neighborhood is a well-known landmark for residents and visitors to the city alike. With an average home price of $745,375, this area provides buyers with luxury without sacrificing affordability which makes it one great place in Kansas City.

The Sunset Hill / Westwood neighborhood has more expensive homes than 94 percent of all other areas within Missouri and 77% nationwide.

The average rental price ($2,153) in this neighborhood is higher than 98.3% of the neighborhoods across Missouri, which makes it an expensive place to live but not too far out of reach for most people who are looking at median incomes between $50K-$75K+ per year.

This Kansa City neighborhood is a great place for those who want the hustle and bustles that come with big city life, but without all its traffic jams. This area has plenty going on in terms of real estate- from Studio apartments to large homes with multiple bedrooms; there really isn’t anyone out here waiting.

The real estate in the Sunset Hill / Westwood neighborhood is a mix of single-family homes and small apartments. There’s something for everyone here.

The neighborhood of Sunset Hill / Westwood is one filled with history. Many houses in this area were built before 1939, and some even in the early 40s or 50s. There are also a fair number that was constructed between 1960-69, which makes them all worth noticing if you’re looking for something different from your typical cookie-cutter house on the block – but let me tell you, these particular homes really stand out because each has its own unique charm about them.

The people in this Kansas City neighborhood are some of the most educated you’ll find anywhere. With an 81% college-educated population, it’s not hard to see why residents here tend towards highly intelligent conversation and knowledge about world affairs.

Woodneath Farms
NestBeyond of Kansas City – West Waldo