The median real estate price in the S Havana St / E Ida Ave community is $1,100,959, which makes it more costly than 94.3% of neighborhoods across Colorado and 95% across the United States.
In the S Havana St / E Ida Ave community, renters need to be ready for an average monthly rental price of $3,969 per month or higher than 98.6% of neighborhoods across Colorado.
The community of S Havana St / E Ida Ave, located in Greenwood Village, CO, is a great place to live. The real estate here consists of large homes with multiple bedrooms, as well as smaller ones that can be perfect for first-time buyers or those who want more space than what’s offered in most neighborhoods.
In the S Havana St / E Ida Ave community, there are a variety of homes of every type and size. Whether you’re pursuing to purchase your first home or invest in real estate as an investment with potential appreciation factors up at least 10% per year–this is where it’s at.
The S Havana St / E Ida Ave neighborhood is an up-and-coming suburban area with many new developments. Most of the S Havana St / E Ida Ave neighborhood’s residences are owner-occupied and have been established since the 1970s or later, making them young enough to be considered “established.” There are also some buildings that were built between 2000 – currently adding another element on top.
The homes in S Havana St / E Ida Ave are large, beautiful, and luxurious. One way that this neighborhood stands out from others around the country is its abundance of four or more-bedroom homes- not found anywhere else. Once you walk through your front door here will feel like another world awaits with gorgeous views await on every side. The people who live within these walls take great pride in knowing they have something special – A home filled with value.
The S Havana St / E Ida Ave area has more four-plus bedroom houses than 99% of places across America–you can really make your statement by living somewhere unique if you own something incredible enough where others will see how great they look through.
The best neighborhoods in Colorado for families are S Havana St / E Ida Ave. This beautiful, single-family home neighborhood has some of the most desirable features you can find anywhere–low crime rates and great schools. With so many other individuals sharing these same values as well, it makes an excellent place to build your social bond while having fun together with children on foot or bike paths nearby all day long.
The S Havana St / E Ida Ave neighborhood is the perfect location for families who are looking to thrive in both education and lifestyle. With highly educated parents, this area also has an excellent selection of schools that will keep your children well-cared, whether they’re just starting out or have been educated from college already.
Hampden Town Center / Cherry Creek
NestBeyond of Denver – Centennial