
Romanelli West / Greenway Fields

The area of Romanelli West / Greenway Fields is a suburban neighborhood in Kansas City, MO. This beautiful community has more than 5% of its area dedicated to green space, which makes it one-of-kind compared with other developments around town.

The median real estate price in the Romanelli West / Greenway Fields neighborhood is approximately $704,291, which makes it more expensive than 98.6% of neighborhoods across Missouri and 86.7% nationwide.

Romanelli West / Greenway Fields is an expensive neighborhood to rent in. On average, homes are priced at $2105, a cost that exceeds 97% of other areas across the state.

Take a look at the homes in this area! You’ll find everything from small to large-sized houses, with prices that vary based on what you’re looking for. The Romanelli West / Greenway Fields neighborhood is the home owner’s dream come true – there are so many options available here, and depending upon your needs or budget can be paired up perfectly too.

This is a neighborhood where you can find homes that range from small to large. The majority of these real estate listings have three bedrooms, although there are some with five or more.

The Romanelli West / Greenway Fields neighborhood is made up largely of homes that date back to before World War II. The area’s mild climate and location have helped it retain its historical character, with many houses built no later than 1939-1969s era construction years.

In Romanelli West / Greenway Fields, the current vacancy rate (0.0%) is lower than average for all neighborhoods in this nation. This implies that there is a higher demand for homes here compared with what’s available- making it seem like an awesome community to live in.

The Romanelli West / Greenway Fields neighborhood is an amazing place to call home. This area has the highest rates of owner-occupied housing in all U.S. cities and towns, so you know that its residents love their homes just as much as they should.

In the Romanelli West / Greenway Fields neighborhood, there are more detached single-family homes than in any other place in America. With 100% residential real estate made up solely of free-standing houses, this means that nearly all residents here live on large properties with ample space to roam around outside your own backyard if you’re so inclined.

The people in this Kansas City neighborhood are some of the wealthiest in America. The real estate here is well maintained and tends to retain its value over time too. You’ll find mostly luxury brands like Mercedes-Benz cars on display – not just one or two models but loads at every turn, which makes for an exceptional driving experience by all accounts since they’re guaranteed stability when behind wheels (and also helps avoid accidents). If your kids don’t attend public schools that meet their needs and preference, then there’s no need to worry because these residents can easily afford private preparatory institutions.

Sunset Hill West
NestBeyond of Kansas City – West Waldo