
Optimist Park Northeast / Optimist Park Southwest

In the neighborhood of Optimist Park Northeast / Optimist Park Southwest, you’ll find homes that are more expensive than most places in Arizona. The median real estate price here is $472K – which makes it more expensive than 70.8% of communities across Arizona and 73.0% of the neighborhoods in America.

The average rental price ($2,612) in this neighborhood is higher than 84.1% of the neighborhoods across Arizona. That’s not surprising given that it often pays to live closer together, and with so many people renting their homes instead of owning them, there will be an increased demand for rentals over time which should drive up prices even more rapidly than they are increasing now.

You’ll never think about your neighborhood in the same way again after visiting Optimist Park Northeast / Optimist Park Southwest, which is located in Tempe, AZ. A bustling urban neighborhood with office buildings and shops lining its streets. This part of town has an unbeatable urban feel straight, with many small-scale businesses catering specifically to each individual need and chic restaurants offering everything from Thai cuisine to other variety of dishes.

The neighborhood of Optimist Park Northeast / Optimist Park Southwest is a great place to call home. This area has plenty for everyone! There are medium-sized homes with three or four bedrooms and large single-family houses that can accommodate up to five people – perfect if you’re looking into starting your own family soon and want more room than what most apartments offer these days. And don’t forget about all those townhomes out there, too; they make wonderful second mortgages when the first ones go bust sometimes.

The amazing people who live in this area are a mix of young professionals and empty-nesters. There is also an active community here, with many organizations focused on living healthy lifestyles or promoting environmental causes from within their own neighborhoods. The architecture for these homes varies greatly; you’ll find some that were built as recently as 2000 alongside more traditional designs dating back decades ago when families needed space to grow but not necessarily be too cramped together due to access limitations set by previous zoning laws.

The beautiful community of Optimist Park Northeast / Optimist Park Southwest is perfect for college students who want to live in an amazing environment that’s both safe and friendly. With its proximity to several universities, this area offers plenty of amenities geared towards your needs as well.

Meyer Park / Rural Geneva
NestBeyond of Southeast Phoenix