
NestBeyond Senior Living Facilities

Nuevo Ventura Olivewood

The Nuevo Ventura Olivewood neighborhood is a quiet, family-friendly area in Phoenix. It has an excellent public school system and plenty of green space for residents to enjoy. If you’re an executive or professional seeking a neighborhood with spacious homes, relatively stable real estate values, and residents that include wealthy executives/managers, then the Nuevo Ventura Olivewood should be on your list. This area has it all.

Located in Phoenix, Nuevo Ventura Olivewood is an upper-middle-class neighborhood with a higher income than 78% of other areas across America. The residents living here make up for more than just their own lives; they also care about the well-being and success rate of people around them.

The Nuevo Ventura Olivewood neighborhood is one of the most established parts of this city. It’s made up mostly of older, well-established homes that were built between 1940 and 1969, with some newer construction dotting an otherwise characteristically vintage landscape throughout much if it exists at all. The real estate market in Nuevo Ventura is home to a variety of different housing types. There are small, medium-sized homes for single families or couples with children, as well as high-rise apartments that offer more living space at lower costs than many other options around town.

The median price of a home in Nuevo Ventura Olivewood, which is more expensive than 96.7% of Arizona neighborhoods and 93.6% more expensive than other neighborhoods in the country, may be an indicator that this community has seen significant growth over recent years. As the demand for luxury properties skyrockets among all income brackets- from high-end condos to large houses on huge lots – these types will become increasingly rare, especially when considering their square footage costs often are close to $1 million in this neighborhood.

The cost of renting in Nuevo Ventura Olivewood is very low, with an average rental price currently at $1.914 per month. This makes it cheaper than 46% of all Arizona neighborhoods, where you can find apartments to suit your needs. The vacancy rate for homes in Nuevo Ventura Olivewood is lower than 55.9% of neighborhoods across America, which makes it a great place to live.

The Nuevo Ventura Olivewood neighborhood is a great place to live if you enjoy working with your hands. In this area, 58% of the population works as executives or managers; these people are typically found at major companies where they earn high salaries while also having opportunities for promotions within their organizations. Alongside related jobs like salesperson and service worker,  there’s plenty more going on here that will suit anyone looking into moving their life up-market.

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NestBeyond of Metro Phoenix