
McClintock Manor

Located in Tempe, AZ area, and close to some of the best amenities around, McClintock Manors offers you a nice suburban feel with all that it has going on. In case you are looking for a unique place to call home in Tempe with access to some of the best amenities around, then McClintock Manor might be perfect.

The median price of homes in the McClintock Manor neighborhood is $493,374, which makes it more expensive than 73.4 percent of Arizona neighborhoods and 74.5 percent of American neighborhoods.

The McClintock Manor neighborhood is among the most expensive in Arizona. The average rental price here currently sits at $2615, which makes it higher than 84% percent of other neighborhoods across our state.

The McClintock Manor neighborhood is home to some of Arizona’s finest real estate. The area has a lot of sizes that range from small one-bedroom apartments up to four+ bedroom homes with private yards and big backyard spaces in between. So whether you’re looking for something cozy or luxurious – there’ll be an option waiting just around the corner.

McClintock Manor is a quiet neighborhood in which most of the homes are owner-occupied. Many residents here were born and raised locally, making it an ideal place to call home for someone looking forward to growing his or her family while still enjoying all that this community has to offer, such as schools with great test scores.

Additionally, many homes in this area were built between 1970-1999, with some dating as far back as the 1960s or earlier.

Residential real estate in the McClintock Manor community is more affordable than in most other American neighborhoods. Vacancies are at a historic low and may signal that the prices will continue to stay attractive for buyers who want homes like these or those looking to build their own place close by.

The McClintock Manor neighborhood, in particular, is a place where people’s commute means walking from the bedroom to their home office. 19.3% of residents in the McClintock Manor neighborhood are working from home, which may not seem like a large number, but it falls higher than in 96% of other American neighborhoods.

The McClintock Manor community stands out as rather unique because of its nearly all-residential real estate being built-in one-time period, namely between 1970 and 1999. You’ll notice that many homes here look similar due to them having an older architectural style, with 84 percent of its homes falling within this period.

Sierra Tempe / Encore at Tempe Village
NestBeyond of Southeast Phoenix